Friday, July 18, 2008

Waiting for Baby Laurel

To me this is the most exciting time in pregnancy! I love knowing that baby Laurel will be born for sure within the month and hopefully within the next 2 weeks. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and Laurel is making absolutely no moves to be born any time soon. She is a very contented baby :-) I have so enjoyed working on getting her room ready, purchasing the last few things we needed, and packing up Will and my bags just in case we need to head to the hospital in a hurry. There isn't much left to do. I am fully confident that God has the PERFECT date for Laurel's birthday and in the meantime Will and I will soak up these last few weeks of this season of life.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're so close!!! That's amazing! I hope God blesses you with the patience to wait peacefully until a perfect appointmented time. I'm sure everyone has told you that the average first time mom delivers ten days after her due date - though one can always hope and pray for sooner!

Anne said...

You need to post a final tummy picture!!!

Campbell said...

Praying for comfort for you and desire-to-exit for her! Heehee. Those last days can be tough. Ask God for special patience... it sounds like you're doing great! Love you, meggy.


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