Saturday, August 29, 2009

I had written a nice updated about our life in Gainesville and how well we are settling in, but somehow it is deleted and I can't easily get it back. Suffice it to say that we are doing great, although I am already eager to be coming home. I am thinking of this trip as an extended adventure/vacation and in that light we are really enjoying it. The best news from the last few weeks is that we are going to be able to come home in early May rather than mid July as we were originally planning. I am extremely excited about this! I have caught myself already counting down the days, as in, "one week down...only so many more to go!"

I am so far behind that I am doubtless going to leave a lot of pictures and events out, but I thought I could begin updating on our recent Kittrell Family Vacation to Anna Maria Island. On the way home from this vacation the Kittrell's dropped us off in Gainesville so except for the last few weeks this is as updated as possible.

The Happy Little Kittrell Family The Happy Little Almost-Kittrell Family
The Happy Big Kittrell Family
Adorable Laurel with her first tan!
This was a BEAUTIFUL sunset!
The bird-watcher in action!
Yum! Will and I at our farewell lunch with Bill and Cheri. A few tears were shed, but I think we managed to keep it together fairly well :) All you can eat fish and chips certainly was helping our cause!
Breakfast on the beach!
My favorites! Lucky girl :-)
Here we all are in the new apartment before anything has been moved in.
Off to Gainesville!
Here is the trailer all packed up with our worldly goods. Will worked VERY hard to fit everything I packed inside.
This isn't from vacation, but I thought it was too cute not to include! Laurel is waiting for will to come home from the Bar exam.
This is where Laurel got her baths on vacation.
Enjoying some ballpit time in the backyard.
Annual Smuggler's Cove mini-golf trip! If you are interested I came in dead last :)
Cheri and Laurel enjoying the waves!
Will and Laurel. I love her little hand holding on to his shirt.
Grandfather and Laurel reading one of her favorite books.
Laurel LOVED the shopping cart we got her for her birthday. Here she is playing with it for the first time.
A new ball.
I just think this is funny!
Devotions with know you are getting up early when you have to wear a headlamp to read! This was also useful for grilling at night (I do have that picture, but it isn't posted :O)
This is my new favorite picture of our little one year old! I forgot to mention that she has started walking!!!! She took her first few steps a couple days after we arrived at our apartment. She is getting better and better every day. We are loving it!
Will and Laurel enjoying some pool time. You can vaguely see that Laurel has a little more hair. It is growing by the day.

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