Tuesday, May 5, 2009

9 months old and Overdue update

I looked on my blog and the last post was April 16! It looks like I have some catching up to do!

Laurel is 9 months old today! It is hard to believe that she has grown so fast. When Laurel was an infant 9 months sounded so old, but she still seems like my little baby to me. A little baby who is learning a lot of new things! As of this past week she has learned how to climb stairs and pull up to standing while in her crib. I love seeing all the things she is discovering with her new found mobility! One of her favorite bits of mischief is to climb on to the bathroom scale which is below the toilet paper roll and start unrolling all the toilet paper. It is hilarious to me, because that is such a classic baby thing to do and I don't know how they all discover it! I took her to the doctor for a cold last week and discovered that she is 16.5 lbs. I'm not sure what percentage that is, but I will find out at her doctors appointment coming up soon. All is all, she is just such a delight to Will and I. We laugh about her little antics everyday! She is a happy, bright, fun loving little girl!

Here Will is teaching her the finer points of juggling. She is enthralled!
My little bathing beauty!
(this is before she tried crawling in the tub and got a mouthfull of water...poor girl)

Good times with Granni and Pop. In this picture she is "flying through the heavens like a cherubim". Dad used to sing this to us when we were little too!
Laurel is a big fan of her sippy cup of water! She gets maybe half of it in her mouth and the rest on her clothes and has an absolute blast!
Recently we had our friends Josh, Sarah, and Lucy Andrews over for dinner. It was so cute to see Lucy (2 months) and Laurel interacting together!

Playtime with Dad wearing nothing but a diaper, a strawberry hat, and a smile.
What else could you need?

Laurel has developed a deep and abiding love for her "Lambers". This lamb sits on a chair in her room and when we are carrying her by the chair she will crane her neck and make noises and reach out her hands when we bring her near it. She will grab it and hug it and make happy sounds. It is SO cute and fun!
Kittrell ladies annual shopping trip to the outlets in Pigeon Forge. A highlight of the year :-)

Shocking sight I know! Lauren (exersizing amazing patience!) is teaching me how to play tennis. I actually really enjoyed it and would love to keep "playing".


Anne said...

Oh my! She HAS gotten chunkers on her thighs! SO fun:)

I love how both Laurel and Kate love "flyin through the heavens." It brings a smile to Kate's face every time.

Also, Kate is jealous of Laurel's multiple knit hats. She doesn't have any and thinks they look quite fun.

B. Emerson said...

Meg! I adore the photo of Laurel with her water cup and black and white hat —— so cute and you can just see her personality! I hope I get to see her (and you!) again soon.

Much Love to you!

Em Campbell said...

she's beautiful, girl. i miss you

Jeanie said...

Glad to see you and little miss Laurel this week!!

Carolyn said...

We want a new update! :D

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