Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Food Chronicles

It is hard to believe that baby Laurel is already 6 months old! Everyone tells you about how quickly time flies with babies, but it sounds cliche until you experience it for yourself. Will and I just couldn't be enjoying our little girl more! She has such an enjoyable personality and we just can't get over how cute she is! She is constantly learning new things and enjoying exploring, but her favorite place is still being held by her parents. These days she is enjoying patty cake (she holds out her hands to hit mine...very cute), getting tickled, peek-a-boo, getting thrown in the air (carefully!), and lots of other things. We have begun taking her to Children's Ministry at church, which seems like such a big milestone. I guess I should clarify...when I say "taking her to Children's Ministry", I mean dropping her off, coming back to my chair, listening to the message for 5 minutes, seeing her number go up on the screen, coming back to a screaming baby! If any of you ladies have suggestions, I would be grateful, but I'm not really concerned about her since 6 months is pretty young to be in a class (although the other children seem to be enjoying it a lot!). Probably the 2 biggest things she has done are SITTING and EATING! Here are the pictures to prove it:

For a while now Will and I have been putting Laurel in a sitting position and seeing what she does, topple over. The day before her 6 month birthday she didn't topple over and has been sitting ever since! Somehow, instead of making her look like an older baby she looks even smaller! She can already stand up if she is supported by something (like holding onto the ottoman). Next thing I know she will be crawling around!
This is the beginning of the food chronicles! She is ready to go with her Rice Cereal and 3 spoons!
"hmmm...I guess I will give this a try!"
"I'm not so sure..."
"Mom, I'm not really sure what to think."
"What are you trying to do, gag me!"
"I deserve better than this...I am miserable!"
"What part of gross don't you understand!"
"I guess I will try one more time."
So, as you have no doubt observed, Laurel's first taste of food wasn't "love at first bite". We have the whole thing on video which is hilarious to watch. We were cracking up the whole time at all her faces. By the end we wouldn't even have to get the food to her mouth, when she just saw the spoon coming she would blink her eyes and grimace! We love our little drama queen!
Update: Later in the week I tried again with a different brand of rice cereal mixed with water and she enjoyed that A LOT more! I think she didn't like the particular kind we made and I really don't blame her, because it smelled horrible!
Tomorrow I take Laurel for her 6 month well visit, so percentages, etc. will be posted shortly.


Allyson said...

Oh, can we please have a care group showing of the video? That is hysterical!! I can't believe she's eating solids. WOW!

Anne said...

OH MY GOODNESS. I laughed and laughed when I saw those pictures of her eating! She is priceless. And she does look so tiny sitting up! What a wonderous girl!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I love those first eating pictures!!!

As you know there is no baby children's ministry around here...and being the softie that I am I'd rather have my baby with me anyway. ;) But I know what its like to have a child not want to go to children's ministry and one who went in with no complaints. Every kid is different, and I eventually decided that there were more important mothering goals for me to have (at least as a baby or toddler). Don't give in to social pressure to put her in class if you don't feel she is ready or you don't want to. But if you do really want her in there soon, I wish you good luck!!

The Nilsen Nest said...

I enjoyed seeing her faces and also the enormous bib she is wearing! I put a really big plastic one on Audrey the first time she ate and someone commented on the size :) And I love your dining room area, so cute!

Laura Sue said...

That was great Meg! It made me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meg,
The first food pictures are so funny! About CM, I am wondering if she may be happy once she is moble? Maybe then the fun room will be a cool place to explore and she will be happy to be able to get down and get around. I had a girl like that. Anyway, we loved her "tiny tantrum". She just loves her mom and dad!

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