Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Days with my 11 Month Old

I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted Laurel pictures! She is doing great and Will and I just continue to grow in our love and enjoyment of her. She turned 11 months last week and is seeming so much more like a little girl to me and less like a baby. She is eating different kinds of table food now which has been lots of fun. She has turned into a really good eater after getting off to a rather slow start! She doesn't seem to care about learning to walk yet, being very content to crawl around very fast and cruise around on the furniture. Will and I try to lure her into standing by offering her favorite toys just out of reach! Dada is still her favorite word and is used for most people and situations. Even so, when she says it to Will we get excited and think she is figuring it out :-) We have recently discovered that her favorite music is classic rock with her favorite song being "Sweet Home Alabama"...very interesting. When it comes on she will get very excited, wave her arms wildly, and "dance"! She is such a joy to take care of and spend time with!

Here are some pictures from the last month:

Our sweet Laurel Anne

Looking SHOCKINGLY like Will when he was little!

"Pick me up, Mama!" I still love it when Laurel holds out her arms even though she has been doing it for months and months.

A couple weeks ago, I was in the bathroom getting ready for church when I came out to discover Laurel "getting ready" as well! The eye shadow container was actually IN her mouth when I found her!

She looked like the Tin Man!

A recently family outing to Dunkin Doughnuts. My kind of outing! We let Laurel get a doughnut hole which she loves.

Poor "Uncle B" after getting his wisdom teeth out a couple weeks ago.


Cooper Family said...

So, did you walk or drive to DD?

B. Emerson said...

:D Love the update! Thanks so much, Maytee!

Anne said...

Haha! I laughed so hard about "Sweet Home Alabama"! I can't wait to see her dance to it in only 1 week!

Allyson said...

I agree with Anne! I cracked up at Sweet Home Alabama. I'd love to hear the story of how you figured that one out!

Tell her not to rush into putting makeup on just yet. :) She'll have years and years of having to do it! Ha!

Anonymous said...

we the people...demand a new post before you leave for vacation!!!!

Ashley Hodgson said...
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Ashley Hodgson said...
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Ashley Hodgson said...

We miss you guys!----it is so sad that you aren't next door anymore! Glad you all will be back for Dan's and Jessie's wedding though!

With Love!

Alison Sexton said...

Hi Meg-

Just checking in to see if you have had time to post some "Live from Florida" pictures:) Don't rush, I'm sure you and Will have plenty to do! We miss seeing you guys!

Lauren Kittrell said...

I MISS MY NIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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