Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Times in January

Some updates from January! My next post will be for Laurel's 6 month birthday...including her first taste of rice cereal...will she like it? will she spit it out? We will find out on Friday!!!

Poor Laurel scratched her little face in the night. I know I need to cut her nails when this starts happening!We had the wonderful surprise yesterday of tons of SNOW! I think we got 3-4 inches. We had so much fun sledding as well as being warm and cozy inside watching it fall.

I'm afraid Laurel wasn't as big of a fan as the rest of us were. Give her a couple more years...

Laurel and her friend London Oldacre enjoying time together at a Super Bowl party. Little London is such a doll and I am excited about Laurel being friends with her (and her baby sister!!!) for many years to come.
Will took Laurel and I on a great family date/day to the mountains this past Saturday! We had so much fun seeing the wildlife (including a coyote!) and just spending time talking, drinking Sonic drinks, and being together. I am so grateful for Will planning special times for us to be together. There is nothing like having a whole day just to talk and hang out.

Wow! What a blessed girl I am...my favorite person holding my second favorite :-)
My cutie!

On a recent Monday Laurel and I joined the Kittrell family in taking Chick-fil-a to Granny (Bill's WONDERFUL Mom) at her assisted living home. It is always a joy to see Granny and it is especially fun to see how much she enjoys Laurel. The times with them together are priceless.


Suzanne said...

I remember Lauren at 18 months....I think she lookes a lot like she did. :)

Anne said...

I can't wait to see you in only 3 WEEKS!!!!

The Brown Family said...

Great photos Meg! Miss you!!

B. Emerson said...

Awww Laurel is so sweet!! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I can almost see a toddler face taking over Laurel's baby face. Amazing!

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