Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This past Sunday through Wednesday we had such a wonderful visit with Dad, Mom, Anne, and Kate. It was a blast to spend such a nice amount of time with my family (I only wish Mike and Dave could have come)! Having the little girls together was SO much fun. We had a great time going to outlet shopping, eating out, playing games, watching a movie, chatting, playing with the girls, and eating some more! I am so blessed to have such a Dad and Mom and sister who I respect so much and who are such a joy to be with!

For the most part the girls got along fine, they did have one significant altercation! See below:

The stage was set when we put them on the same chair close together. If you add together:
one little girl very interested in her cousin
the same little girl needing to work on hand/eye coordination
one mom needing to trim the before mentioned little girls nails
the little cousin in close proximity
what do you get?
Look closely at poor Kate's forehead. That's right...a huge scratch! Laurel is currently making every excuse in the book..."her head is huge", "she moved toward my nail", "she hit me", etc.
(side note: observe that they are almost the same size!)
"hmmm...I'm glad my forehead doesn't have a big scratch!"
"I'm never coming back here again!"
" us from each other! Pick us up! We never want to see each other again"
We walked them through some of Ken Sande's Peacemaker material and they responded very well. They are back to being friends :-)

Here the sweet little cousins are going out on an adventure!

Granni and Kate
Pop and Laurel
Eating lunch at Cracker Barrel in Pigeon Forge while Outlet shopping.
The girls were great, little outlet shoppers, but were pretty ready to come home!


Lizzy said...

Meg, you crack me up. I loved the chronicles of the drama. Your daughter's facial expressions, the rolling of the eyes... love it.

Anne said...

Oh goodness, didn't we have so much fun! Those two girls are endlessly entertaining:)

Jeanie said...

Meg, this is SO adorable! Your girls will just love growing up together! Alathea & Abigail adore their cousins Andrew & Caleb who are almost the exact same ages. What a gift!! I love seeing Kate & Laurels very different personalities at such a young age :)

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