Saturday, November 8, 2008

3 Months!

Our baby girl is 3 months old! Every time she enters a new stage I say that it is my favorite and this is no exception. I am so enjoying all the new things that she is doing. Her newest fascination is her hands. She loves to play with them, hold them, and try to jam them into her mouth (still hasn't really figured out the thumb thing). She is also getting a lot better at grasping things and trying to hold things. Hands are her almost constant occupation. It has also been so fun to see her develop an interest in toys. She will now stare at her "Freddy the Firefly" and try to grasp him and put him in her mouth. Very fun :-) Right now she is in the midst of her first cold which has been so sad. She is so stuffed up at night and I think it has made her a little extra cranky. I gave her a Johnson's Vapor Bath last night (per Mom's recommendation!) and I think it helped clear her nose a bit. I have also been ATTEMPTING to use saline drops in her nose (per Anne's recommendation) but the package directions don't tell you what do do if your baby turns her head and screams and cries! We are praying that her cold is healed quickly. All in all I am loving my baby girl so much. I just can't imagine life without her and I am looking forward to all the years ahead of us together.
Smiling at her much adored Daddy.
When we were in Charlotte for Kate's birth Lizzy and I got to spend some wonderful time together and we also got to introduce our kiddo's. I think this picture is hilarious!
3 of my absolute favorite girls!
Sweet, beautiful baby Kate! It was such a wonderful joy to get to see Kate and Anne in the hospital and spend a couple days in Charlotte. I love my little niece so much...I had no idea that I would miss her so much :-(
Pop and Granni with their little "lovey".
Loving those bubbles!

It is probably mean to take pictures when Laurel is crying, but so funny also! I wouldn't do it if something was truly wrong...she is just fussing because she doesn't want to be in her swing any more.

We certainly have a little drama queen on our hands! I don't know how Laurel learned to make the perfect pouting face...and I don't think we should speculate about it either...This is the face she makes right before she is about to start screaming and crying. For now I think it is adorable!A couple weeks ago Will, Laurel and I went to Cracker Barrel for a family breakfast (although it was noon by the time we got with a baby!). We haven't done a lot of family things all together and it was so much fun! I'm sure we will be able to do a lot more as Laurel gets older and Will is less busy with school.

Laurel enjoying the fall weather outside of Cracker Barrel.

Family picture.


Suzanne said...

I've had a lot of experience recently with using those fabulous saline drops. Unfortunatley, the only way to ge the drops in her nose is to really hold her down. I put Benjamin on my lap and lock his head in my knees. :(

Then you can get the drops in. A nurse friend said to let the drop stay in the nose for a few minutes and then you can start sucking the snot out (with the nasal aspirator) after it's broken up a bit. Again, you'll probably have to hold her head between your's no fun, but she'll feel (and sound) so much better after you get some snot out!

Allyson said...

First, Gavin would like to say hello to Laurel! :) And second--I LOVE the bubble picture with her precious pink hat! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures! Please squeeze her and kiss each cheek from granni! Praying for that cold to depart quickly. Granni loves you, Lovey! (You, too, Will and Meg.)

The Brown Family said...

I love the photos Meg! Your sweet girl is so precious :). What wonderful memories await with all little Laurel's new buddies!

Love you! Gisele

B. Emerson said...

Maytee it's so happy to see your dear little family and hear all about your lives. Thanks for keeping us all up-to-date! I love and miss you so much -- squeeze Laurel for me!!! Love you!

Melanie said...

Hi Meg- I love the second picture of Laurel smiling. I'm glad you guys got to have some family time this weekend! We never crossed paths on Sunday and it was pretty sad b/c London was anticipating seeing Laurel (she was saying her name at breakfast)! Oh, and I'm pretty sure Laurel learned her dramatics from our daughter. :)

kendra said...

you failed to mention that she loves me now. how she clung to me and tried to charm me. just a thought

I miss my new little friend! come visit soon!

OH! tell Willy i don't hate him anymore

Johanna said...

Hi Meg!

I haven't talked to you in ages, but I'm glad to see everything is going well. My husband and I also have a 3 month old baby daughter, Rebekah, who was born on July 31. Laurel is a cutie :) Take care!

Johanna (Craynon) O'Hara

Campbell said...

oh megs, she's darling! if i didn't know Eva, this would be the cutest baby i knew! perfect pout is right!

miss you a lot. hope to see you at Christmas!

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