I have a little backtracking to do before catching up with Christmas pictures...
On December 16 Will and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary! It is hard to believe that we have only been together for 2 years. I feel like I have always been Will's wife! What an extraordinary husband! I am so grateful for Will's unselfish, servant leadership in my life. I see so much good fruit from his influence in my life. This year has been filled with so many big changes and Will just keeps stepping up to the plate. I love being married to my best friend!
For our anniversary, we took our first overnight trip without Laurel. We had such a wonderful and refreshing time together in the Smoky Mountains. Laurel had a great time with her Mom-mom and Aunt Lauren and didn't seem to miss us a bit! We did miss our little girl, but it was completely worth it!

Here is Laurel enjoying some Christmas ribbons...this was probably her faorite part of the holidays! Uncle Brient bought Laurel her adorable Santa hat, which she loved.
This is Laurel's amazing toy from Grandfather and Mom-mom! It is a cross between a johnny-jump-up and a walker. Laurel can't jump yet, because her feet don't touch the ground, but she really enjoys playing with all the fun toys on the top.
I think this picture is so funny! Laurel's aunts and uncles were so generous to buy her beautiful clothing, but it looks like we are going to need to work on gratefulness!

Ever since Laurel was a infant Grandfather took Laurel on "Safaris" all over the house looking for Zebras. It was a special way that he would calm her down and keep her entertained. For Christmas he looked long and hard and finally found her a special zebra of her own!

Heading of to Charlotte and home!
Wonderful Anne and my sweet, little cousin Kate! I so enjoyed getting to spend time with her. She is such a calm, happy, and serious baby. She has a very different personality than Laurel! I am so excited about watching them grow up and be great little buddies. I love my little niece so much.

Ever since Laurel was a infant Grandfather took Laurel on "Safaris" all over the house looking for Zebras. It was a special way that he would calm her down and keep her entertained. For Christmas he looked long and hard and finally found her a special zebra of her own!

Heading of to Charlotte and home!