It has been almost a week since we made it home from our Kittrell family vacation to Sanibel Isalnd, FL. We had a wonderful time! It was great to spend so much time with Will and the family as well as being able to relax without an agenda and without feeling like the clock was quickly ticking towards Monday morning (which is what happends on the weekends!). Vacation was filled with many adventures, mostly fun, but some that were not so fun. On Thursday morning (the day we got there) I came down with a UTI that over the weekend started making its way up into my kidneys (which means weird lower back pain, fevers, and general bad feelings). Will and I went to an urgent care on Monday (which happened to be located in the same building with a gas station!) and I got some serious antibotics to kill everything inside me. Unfortunately, the antibotics were SO serious that they made me feel really nauseous. All this went on until the following Thursday giving me another day to enjoy the beach before packing up and heading home! It wasn't exactly my plan for vacation, but I was reminded again and again that what I deserve is HELL so being able to be in Florida with a wonderful husband and watched over by a loving God is MUCH, MUCH better that what I deserve! That will give you a fresh prespective like nothing else! Tucked between those sick days, God still gave us plenty of time to have lots and lots of fun! We played Kittrell family putt-putt, Kittrell family poker, watched movies, floated in the pool, read books, fished, saw a real alligator, went shopping, swam in the ocean, went out to eat, Daniel caught a shark, we ate the best milkshakes ever, and much more! About mid-vacation I began to have the onset of post-vacation withdraw. I was in the midst of hoping that vacation would go on forever, when I realized "just a second, I love my life at home too!" So to wrap up my thoughts about vacation, I LOVE vacation and Ihad a wonderful time and I can't wait till next year, BUT I also love home and love the day to day things that make up everyday living! I'm grateful to God for the gift of both! Most people probaby don't care about the previous 3 paragraphs (I know who you are!), so here are the PICTURES from vacation!
Lauren, Will, Daniel, and Brient

Will and I on our last beach day (these are all out of order)

Will and I going out on a date. We are standing on the deck coming off our room.

The putt-putt course had a castle theme, so here are Will and I in the stocks.

This was on the way home! Everyone made fun of me for getting a burger at this hot dog place!

BEAUTIFUL Sunset! This picture is courtesy of Will.

This is the view from the back of our house.

Will and Dan each caught a much sought after "Snook"

The Kittrell Men...I love 'um

My FAVORITE Kittrell Man
Brient checking out the local birds


In front of a map of the island

I'm REALLY looking forward to being in Charlotte this weekend! Those pictures will be my next post.